Parish News

December 2020

  • St. Clare Angel Tree gifted 118 children and seniors this year! That’s 118 smiles for recipients and double for the giver. Thanks so much for everyone’s help at St. Clare in making Christmas special for so many people. 
  •  – Sincere condolences to Michelle Flemming, our secretary, & her family on the passing away of her mother, Sheila B. Katsy. Please keep them in your prayers. May the rays of God’s great mercy be with you in this time of loss and bring you the peace, hope and strength you need. 

November 2020


Congratulations to John & Mary Ann Pucheu, our St. Clare Church, Lumen Christi Award recipients! Thank you for your tireless work for St. Clare and all of the parishioners.
"Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

2020 Veterans Day Free Meals and Retail Deals (click for list)

October 2020

Election Prayers and Resources

* What is Primary Conscience? A person’s “most secret core and sanctuary” – CLICK TO LEARN MORE
* Novena leading up to an Election
* Prayer before an Election
The Church will be open until midnight on Monday, Nov. 2, following the Mass for All Souls at the Waveland Cemetery. All are welcome to come and sit “alone with God.”

KofC Rosary Rally

Dominic Pitts and his father, Paul Pitts, Jr., pray the rosary together as part of the group attending the Rosary Rally sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #16433 at St. Clare. The Rally was held today as part of rallies held nation-wide to call to mind the rights and dignity of every human being. Dominic and Paul are both members of the Knights of Columbus Council at St. Clare.

In addition to the blessing of animals for parishioners at St. Clare and the animals at the Hancock County Animal Shelter, Fr. Jacob-Matthew took on the challenge of blessing a herd of cattle belonging to long-time parishioner Walter Turcotte and miniature horses belonging to retired Dr. Bill Brandford, also a parishioner at St.  Clare.  The blessings were part of the celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

September 2020

As part of our celebration of the Feast of St. Francis, St. Clare will be blessing pets on Sunday, Oct. 4, at 1:30 p.m. underneath the Church.  Each pet owner will receive a St. Francis pet medal for each pet.  St.  Clare will also be blessing the animals at the Hancock County Animal Shelter at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 2. They are located at Texas Flat Road. Those who can’t make it to St. Clare on the 4th are more than welcomed to bring their pet to the Animal Shelter.  Pet owners will still receive the St. Francis pet medal.

Knights of Columbus Blood Drive

Knights of Columbus Blood Drive - Sunday October, 4th - 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Please use this link to schedule your appointment. Many time slots are still available. Help save lives. Healthy donors are encouraged to book an appointment.

Parishioners at St Clare will have two opportunities for blessings with relics next week

1st- being on Monday, Sept. 21, with the celebration of St. Matthew at the 8:30 a.m. Mass

2nd -the second at the Wednesday evening Mass for the celebration of St. Padre Pio

All are welcomed to attend either or both Masses.


Hopes on the Way Ministry, Chicago, IL

We in Chicago have been praying for the safety of all the parishioners and families on the gulf from the threat of Hurricane Sally. We are still praying for those at affected in AL and FL but thankful that St.Clare is resuming regular services. We are praying for Fr.Jacob as well.  Fr.Jacob, here in Chicago, the deacons have a ministry called Hopes on the Way.   They try to help those affected by natural disasters with buckets of cleaning supplies, called Buckets of Hope. If you are interested or know of someone, you can contact them via their website or even call my husband here in Chicago and he will try and hook you up with them. Deacon Larry Chyba is my husband,  Matt our son was your former parishioner living now in Kansas. Believe me, Matt may not be living in MS but we will never forget the kindness of everyone in Waveland and Bay St.Louis.   God’s blessings to all of you.

Being a Knight and Member of St. Clare Family

Long story short…….I got a call today from Dwayne, our Grand Knight who wanted to see how things were going and if I was ready for Hurricane Sally. I told him as much as possible, that we were caring for my father-in-law who was on oxygen. Before I could say another word, he asked, do you have a generator? I said no……..and before I could say another word, he said come get mine. I said, don’t you need it? He said, no, l’ll drop it off when I get home. Surprised, I said, great we really appreciate that and hung up. After getting off the phone I realized I could pick it up and called back. When I got there, it was ready to be loaded along with three containers of gas. Although I gave him the usual thank you, on the inside I could not thank him enough knowing my father-in-law would be relieved knowing he had a generator to use. Leaving, I said to myself, that’s what being a Knight is all about. Helping when you can and making lifelong friendships along the way.

August 2020

St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) – St Clare Conference provided a meal of red beans/rice, potato salad, corn bread and dessert to the community today. We had a great turn out. It was a blessing to say the least.

It is with much love and thanksgiving to St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) – St Clare Conference, the St. Clare Knights of Columbus, and Our Lady of the Pearl (Secular Franciscan Community) for their assistance in helping to create and support the serving of this meal. God bless you.

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” (Hebrews 13:16)

In an effort to do our part in keeping the COVID virus spreading to parishioners coming for Mass at St. Clare, parishioners are asked to wear their masks, if you can, until you get seated in the Church or Parish Center.  The masks can then be taken off if you feel comfortable, considering that you are already socially distanced and will be receiving Communion.  At the end of Mass, the dismissal, parishioners can put the mask back on until you reach your vehicle.  The greatest preponderance for gathering is entering the Church and leaving the Church.  This practice gives everyone a sense of protection.  This is new territory for all of us, and we are trying hard to do our part in protecting one another as family here at St. Clare.

–Fr. Jacob-Matthew Smith, OFM Pastor