Charles Walden was installed as an Acolyte on his journey to the Permanent Diaconate. Please keep all our Permanent Deacon candidates (Class of 2025 & 2028) in your prayers as they continue their formation & studies.
Ed Prendergast and Joey Celino, members of the 4th Degree, Knights of Columbus Council #16433 at St. Clare, lay a wreath on the grave of a veteran at the Waveland Cemetery. The wreath laying is part of a nationwide Wreaths Across America. More than 140 wreaths were placed at the Waveland ,Cemetery on Dec. 16, the day where wreaths all across America were placed on the graves of those who served in the Armed Forces.
Waveland Mayor Jay Trapani places a wreath to represent all veterans of the Waveland community who have served, are serving, or lost their lives in service to America.
Troy Simpson and Joey Celino stand next to the more than 140 wreaths to be placed on veteran’s graves as part of Wreaths Across America.
Many of our parishioners reach out to participate in community events. Dressed as Santa, Mike Besida, a member of Knights of Columbus Council #16433 and a member of St. Clare’s choir, met with children of Hancock County’s East Elementary on their last day of classes before beginning their Christmas vacation.
Ladies from the Knights of Columbus Council Ladies Auxiliary work in a production line putting together “to go” bags for local firefighters in the Bay-Waveland area in thanksgiving for their time and effort in keeping the communities safe from the recent rash of wildfires.
At the airport.
Praying evening prayer with a group from Lafayette before flight.
Checking in. The church is called Centro Social Paroquial de Nossa Senhora do Amparo de Benfica.
The site of the apparition.
Rosary exhibit in Fatima.
On Tuesday, we said morning prayer as a group with our Magnificat’s.
Then, we went to the City of Joy. This is a festival with different vocations.
We left our fingerprints on the Lisbon banner.
We took pictures with a few of the booths at the City of Joy.
After we visited a few museums, we started the short bus ride and long hike to the opening mass with the Pope. The Mass was beautiful!
The large group pictured is us visiting a family on the way in.
We took a canoe from the Napo River here (Chontapunta, Ecuador) to get to the area we would work in.
We trekked into the jungle for about an hour where these guys were cutting down trees and making them into planks for us to carry out. They will be used to rebuild a kitchen that collapsed on a home where there is a young lady 8 months pregnant.
A bugular plays taps in honor of our veterans who have given their lives in the line of duty, and for those first responders who have given their lives in defense of our local community.
Representatives of the VFW and American Legion team up to be the Honor Guard for the opening of the St. Clare Seafood Festival honoring our veterans and first responders.
A representative of the Bay St. Louis Department places wreaths honoring two of their own killed in the line of duty: Officer Branden Estorffe and Sgt. Steven Robin. Sheriff Rick Adam posted the wreath for Lt. Michael Boutte, also killed in the line of duty. The placing of the wreaths for military and first responders was part of the opening ceremony to begin the St. Clare Seafood Festival on Memorial Day Weekend.
Workers prepare the slab for the children to put their handprints into it. In the background is one of two picnic tables donated to the church by the children.
Part of the children at St. Clare putting their handprints in the concrete as part of their donation of two picnic tables donated to the church.
Ricky Manieri and Troy Simpson put one of the plum trees in the ground as part of the St. Clare Knights of Columbus projects for earth day.
Members of the Knights are Bill Kane (center), Ricky Manieri(r) and Eric Kapusinski.
The Knights also positioned the honey bee hive on the back of the property as part of their ecology/environmental project to pollinate the fruit trees.
Dianne Pagano decorating and cleaning up
Deb Bourgeois fixing cookie bags
A wonderful friend of St. Clare donating a beautiful handmade cross
Donna Kennedy
Many of our parishioners making St. Joseph bags for visitors to take home.
Suzan Cox, Our St. Joseph Altar Chairman
Suzan Cox, Donna Kennedy & Anna Bentz
Anna Bentz helping to decorate.
Workers assigned to various stations put together orders as given for those participating in St. Clare’s drive thru Friday Lenten fish fry.
The Lenten season kicked off with the first fish fry at St. Clare. Continuing with the tradition of it being a drive thru, workers and volunteers hustle to serve the patrons with a variety of choices for their meal.
Bill Kane steadily breads shrimp, one of the staples for the fish fry at St. Clare.
Julie Celino and Susan Kane have the task of delivering meals to those who are participating in the drive thru Friday Lenten fish fry at St. Clare.
Our pilgrims stop to visit the Pater Noster Church where Jesus taught the people how time to pray…the Our Father.
Meet the group making the pilgrimage to the Holy Land!
One of the many paintings in the Church of the Visitation in Eim-Karem.
Pilgrims take a well deserved break to enjoy tasty ice cream at one of the most popular creameries in Eim-Karen, where the Church if the Visitation is located.
An early morning view of Bethlehem from the balcony of the St. Gabriel hotel where our pilgrim group is staying.
Pilgrims from the Waveland group come together at the Church of All Nations where Jesus knelt any prayed about his upcoming agony of being arrested and subsequent trial and crucifixion.
Our pilgrims look at the plaque of the Our Father written in both Hebrew and Aramaic.
Stepping into the Church of the Pater Noster.
A look inside the Church of the Pater Noster where the prayer in many languages line the inside walls.
One of the designs adorning the front door of the Church of the Annunciation depicting Joseph teaching Jesus about being a carpenter.
Members of the pilgrimage group to the Holy Land gathering around one of the stone jars used at the wedding in Cana where Jesus changed water into wine.
Members of the pilgrim group to the Holy Land put their devotional items and the stone area where blessed the bread and fish to feed the 5,000 at Tabga.
Others light candles and pray for those in Turkey and Syria that their needs for nourishment will be met.
A wider view of Mary’s home in the Church of the Annunciation.
Members of the pilgrimage group led by Fr. Jacob-Matthew display their certificates after renewing their wedding vows at the church in Cana, where Jesus changed water into wine.
A peek inside the home of Mary at the Church of the Annunciation.
A religious sister prays in the church of St. Joseph in Nazareth.
The guide for the pilgrim group to the Holy Land explains the history of the Church of the Beatitudes located on the hillside from the Sea of Galilee.
Pilgrims from St. Clare get a chance to explore further around the Primacy of St. Peter church located on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus asked Peter to take care the church, the last time Jesus would speak with Peter.
Members of the pilgrimage group visit the church where tradition has it that Jesus fed the 5,000 off 5 loaves and 2 fish located on the Sea of Galilee.
Members on pilgrimage to the Holy Land enjoy a staple from the Sea of Galilee…St. Peter’s fish.
Pilgrims from Waveland join together for a traditional Jewish dance aboard the boat that took them for a mini-cruise on the Sea of Galilee.
Members of our pilgrim group gather to look at the Orthodox monastery that is a part of the Mount of Temptation, the place where went to be tempted.
The Dead Sea is a popular destination spot for anyone visiting the Holy Land.
Two of our pilgrims relax in the Dead Sea.
Four of our pilgrims take the plunge into the Dead Sea, a popular destination spot for both pilgrims and the local population.
Pilgrims from the Waveland group take pictures of one of the paintings found in the church at Shepherd’s Field, where the angels appeared to the shepherds announcing the birth of the Messiah.
A side view of the Church of All Nations across the valley from the walls of Jerusalem.
Our group prepare to head into the grotto where Jesus was born…the Church of the Nativity.
Same, but from a different angle
Scene shows the Greek Orthodox sanctuary inside the Church of the Nativity.
Part of the visit to the Church of All Nations was to stand by one of the olive trees carbon dated to the time of Jesus who stood on the midst of the Mount of Olives before his arrest.
Father Jacob was given a gift from the Alter Society for his 16th Anniversary of Ordination- he was presented with three chasubles’: Divine Mercy, Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and St. Joseph.
-Bruce Morreale and his son connect piping that will provide a sprinkler system to water the plants and trees surrounding St. Clare. Together with John Pucheu are connecting water and electrical lines to cover primary points around St. Clare.
Today, Oct. 24th, HTCS 1st grade students came to visit the pumpkin patch.
Bruce Morreale and his son put the finishing touches to landscaping around the St. Clare sign that faces the church and Vacation Lane. Bruce’s entire family and crew worked over several days to till the soil and plant a variety of plants to complete the decor.
Charles Walden hands a box of food items to John Harrison to be placed in the truck that would eventually carry more than 80 bags of Thanksgiving groceries earmarked for the Hancock County Food Pantry. Assisting Charles is Kevin Reynolds, a representative from the Hancock County Food Pantry. The St. Vincent de Paul conference at the Knights of Columbus at St. Clare sponsored by food drive.
Our Lady Queen of Peace statue on The Hill of Apparitions
Bishop Kihneman, Father Mike Austin and the two guides Dragan and Marco Zovko On Mount Krizevac
The envelope with the petitions placed at the site where Our Lady appears to Marija Lunetti.
Fr. Jacob-Matthew, OFM, Pastor at St. Clare, blesses animals brought by the parishioners to be blessed as part of celebrating the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 4.
Fr. Jacob-Matthew, OFM, pastor at St. Clare, blesses the puppies at the Hancock County Humane Society as part of celebrating the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 4.
Mickey LaGasse, a member of St. Clare and of the City of Waveland, who heads up the cooking team, helps Charles Walden and other St. Clare parishioners box the lunches to be distributed to local residents of the surrounding community of La Place.
Fr. Jacob-Matthew, OFM, pastor at St. Clare Catholic Church and Haleigh Cuevas, principal of Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School in Bay St. Louis, present a Christmas painting of the Three Wise Men bringing gifts to the Holy Family, along with checks and gift cards to Douglas Trishe, principal at Ascension of Our Lord elementary school, to help the school with some of their needs.
Jimmy Bouchios and Paul Pitts, Jr., both from St. Clare, prepare the rice to be served with red beans as part of a drive thru meal for community residents near Ascension of Our Lord elementary school. Approximately 600 meals were served.
Linda Waldem and Bill Kane, both parishioners at St. Clare, lay out items donated for Ascension of Our Lord elementary school and the surrounding community.